Book 2 coming soon(ish)
I can’t believe it’s been so long since I updated here. I sent the draft of book 2 to my publisher in February 2020 (I think) and then, of course, all hell broke loose. What can I say at this point that hasn’t been said a million times. On the one hand my natural introversion made some aspects of the pandemic ok. Getting a dog the year before turned out to be a master stroke. Young Teddy made all the difference, particularly in that first lockdown where I spent about 80 days entirely by myself.
But the main point I want to make here is that book 2 is not a product of the pandemic. I didn’t take the opportunity of the very stressful, and yet somehow very boring, once in a century disaster to write a book. Although I will confess that early on I did bake a good bit of bread! Mostly I’ve found it impossible to write. I’ve barely been able to read. I have read a total of 2 books since March 2020, which I think is a lifetime low for me since I read my first book at age 6*.
My job also got very busy - I work in research, and many of the solutions for the things we have been facing have come from the rapid response and collaboration in research. And then I changed jobs right in the middle of all this too. And somehow managed to get even busier!
But back to book 2, we’re getting back on track of the pre-publication process, which always tends to be very slow, but it will eventually get out there. There are exciting things to come!
The draft of book 3 is still just a few pages and an inexpertly drawn map right now.
*Actual distractions I have used include: destroying a shrub, removing a lot of questionable wallpaper, building a lego city, playing with my dog, watching/rewatching a continuous rotation of sitcoms and taskmaster