Draft done!
It just took a year but I’ve finally finished the first draft of my sequel to After the World. The draft began when I was taking a winter break in France last year. I had a month off last December and I made a great start into the draft, but this year has been extremely busy for me personally and professionally and so the subsequent writing periods were pretty patchy as I tried to carve out time.
I had it in my head to get the draft done by May, a year from the release date of After the World, but I slid past that and then getting my puppy Teddy in the summer (which any of you who are following me on instagram will have seen) was brilliant but time consuming. So when it came to November it seemed like NaNoWriMo was a good opportunity to drive through the draft to the end.
As you can imagine I’m totally delighted to have finished the draft and it’s off to my proof reader and the people who read my raw(ish) work. I’m trying to give my head a break from thinking about it so I can be fresh when I come back to the draft.
One stand out difference between this point on After the World is that I have an idea for the next book in the series, but I’m giving myself a little writing break before I start on that because I still have quite a lot of books sitting in my to be read pile.