Subscribe to my Mailing List

I haven’t really used my mailing list much. Mainly because I’m personally sick of the interminable spamming I get when I sign up to something. I want to know when there’s news, not have a daily intrusion on my already overfull inbox.

The worst offender I had recently had been sending me daily emails and then there was one with the subject line “I’m so sorry…” and the text was “…that you’re about to miss out on this special offer!”. That earned them an unsubscribe!!

So here’s my promise: I will not spam you with frequent lifestyle tips, provocative questions, or special offers! Even if you want them!! I expect to send out emails about the next book release date and details of the launch and that’s about it.

You can sign up here.

And if you don’t sign up, you can probably still find out that information here, or from twitter.

In solidarity with people with overfull inboxes everywhere!

Maire Brophy