The last podcast and work in progress
This week we released the last ever Irish Writers Podcast. You can find it here. After a raft of interview episodes it was fun to finish on one of our rambling chats. The podcast will only hold a special place in our hearts, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to get together for recordings, as our lives all diverge in different ways. It’s been a really great experience.
The WIP that i began in France is continuing nicely and it looks like it will be longer than the first book. I’m in the meat of it now and it’s a lot of fun to write. I’m spending a lot of time on goblins at the moment, so throughout my notes are little drawings and maps as I try to figure out where everything is. I drew a map for the last book as well. It isn’t in the book because the reader doesn’t need it, but as a writer I want to be consistent in my descriptions. That map has been long lost in the course of several house moves, but at least all these new maps are in the same notebook!
Little sketch of a goblin in my notebook.